Judge Joe Brown threw a big hand grenade into the Memphis mayor’s race during an appearance on KWAM 990 AM “The Mighty 990.”
Brown told KWAM radio host Frederick Tappan that he had grave concerns about fellow candidates Paul Young and Van Turner. And he also offered some advice to Establishment Republicans in Shelby County.CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE KWAM “STOP MEMPHIS CRIME” GROUP.
“He’s not a conservative,” Brown said of Young. “He’s in the pocket of the Rainbow crowd and Cooper Young. And he’s been promising a lot of things to them.”

Judge Joe Brown
A number of blue blood Republicans have been quietly backing Young, the president and chief executive officer of the Downtown Memphis Commission.
“The Rainbow has their own agenda,” Brown said, referring to the city’s LGBT community.Watch full interview:
“It’s their right to get their freak on in the bedroom, but it’s our right to say, ‘no, we don’t need that spread elsewhere,'” he told KWAM.Brown also mentioned Van Turner, the president of the Memphis chapter of the NAACP.
“So Van Turner and Paul Young are in a cabal where they are getting great personal advantage and both of them say they look at the mayor’s office as ‘a stepping stone’ to further their political ambition,” Brown said. “What they are, I don’t know. I guess maybe they envision themselves as new Obama’s or something, but that’s another story.”
KWAM will update once Turner and Young respond to Brown’s allegations. And both are invited to appear on KWAM to have their say.
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