KWAM Exclusive: Trump Praises House GOP for Unifying Ahead of Midterms

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Former President Donald Trump praised House Republicans for creating a four-point contract with America ahead of the Midterm elections.

The former President told KWAM Thursday House Republicans will announce the new “Contract with America” Friday.

“They’re going to announce a new contract on Friday,” Trump told KWAM Owner Todd Starnes. “I think it will be very strong…very good.”

“The contract is common sense, right?” Trump said, before giving some details about what will be part of it.

“We want to have strong borders. We want to have a strong military. We want to have energy independence,” he said. “I mean, there’s so many different things, low taxes, great education. We don’t want men playing in women’s sports, you know, little simple things like that,” the former president added.

Listen to the full interview with President Trump below: 

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