The Memphis Police Department welcomed 59 church leaders into its Memphis Police Clergy Academy.
This was the 13th graduating class and the largest group to pass through it in MPD’s history. It was held at Oakgrove Missionary Baptist Church to honor their passage through the 5-week training sessions.
Amidst the chaos in the city, Police Chief CJ Davis encouraged the new members by reminding them why they are also important in transforming the city.“Right now, our community needs hope,” she addressed to the crowd, “instead of dope dealers, we need hope dealers. We all need to be hope dealers.”
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The role of each clergy member is to be a support system for officers and their families during good times and hard times. They offer prayers to the family and are there for comfort, consolation, and inspiration.
The 59 will join the nearly 500 others in the program by approaching the city’s biggest problems using the power of prayer.