NOT A SAINT: Justin Jones Allegedly Has History of Sexual Assault Coverup

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Newly found records show State Rep. Justin Jones (D), part of the “Tennessee Three” that made headlines for disrupting proceedings on the House floor, has been accused of covering up sexual assault.

KWAM contributor Steve Gill joined “Wake Up Memphis” with Todd Starnes and Ben Deeter to break down the allegations.

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Jeneisha Harris, an activist that worked with Jones, alleged that he was part of a coverup of sexual assault in 2020 during a protest regarding Nathan Bedford Forrest’s statue.

Reportedly, Jones witnessed a homeless man sexually assaulting two women during two separate incidents. However, he did nothing to intervene, and he told the women to keep it quiet.

“Now, the media is not following it up because they said that nobody got charged,” Gill explained.

Allegedly, this was was why Jones was kicked out of Vanderbilt Divinity School at the time.

Listen to the full segment below:

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