The latest addition to the KWAM weekend lineup is Dr. Emir Caner, the president of Truett McConnell University.
The Emir Caner Show debuts Sunday at 6 p.m. central. The show will be available on 990 AM or 107.9 FM. It will also be available on the livestream and via podcast.Caner has degrees from The Criswell College in Dallas and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He earned a Doctor of Philosophy in History from the University of Texas at Arlington.
Truett-McConnell University, located in Cleveland, Georgia, is one of the nation’s fastest-growing Christian schools. Under his leadership he has introduced students to a number of high profile conservatives Christians including Gov. Mike Huckabee, Lt. Col. Oliver North, Chick-fil-A’s Dan Cathy and former Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue.
Caner tells “Wake Up Memphis” with Robyn Walensky that his show will delve into a wide range of topics including politics religion and education in America.
“Much of this generation is either a-political or politically left,” Caner tells Walensky. “The good news in all of that is the younger generation, the 18-year-old and younger folks they seem to be moving toward a more conservative populism.”Caner said he also plans to call out institutions of higher learning that claim to promote diversity.
“When they scream diversity, they certainly don’t scream diversity of thought,” he said. “People are just finally seeing it play out in real life, there’s an old saying, don’t be surprised when you take your kids to see Karl Marx that they become socialists.”Dr. Caner and his wife have three children. Click here for his personal website.
From the Truett website:
“Truett McConnell has been equipping leaders through a Biblically-centered education for more than 70 years. Our mission is to prepare students to boldly fulfill the Great Commission in whatever their calling may be. Whether you are called to teach, called to heal, called to preach, or still seeking God’s direction, TMU offers a community that fosters growth, discipleship, and a desire to serve.”
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