Two Children Hospitalized Over Lack of Baby Formula

by | May 17, 2022 | Local News | 0 comments

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There’s a disturbing development in the nationwide shortage of baby formula.

Two children were treated at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital as a direct result of the shortage.

Dr Mark Corkins tells Fox 13 both children have special medical needs that require them to use a specific formula. Neither doctors nor their families can find it on shelves.

“This is literally not just Memphis, not just Tennessee or the south. This is literally all of North America being affected,” Corkins said. “We are trying to do some different ‘doctoring’ formulas that aren’t usually used for this kind of situation and try to see if we can find something that will work.”

Dr. Corkins said he’s treated a toddler and a preschooler as a direct result of the shortage.

They both live with intestinal disorders and require a special kind of formula.

The two children have intestinal conditions, the doctor told television station WREG.

“We’re supporting them with I.V. fluids and I.V. nutrition, which is not ideal. Really you want to use their bile. If they have bile intestines. You want to use the intestine. this is frustrating because we know that there’s a better way,” Corkins said.

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