TYRANNY! Shelby County Issues “Safer at Home” Order

by | Dec 21, 2020 | Local News, Memphis

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Shelby County, TN – Today, the Shelby County Health Department issues Face Mask Order No. 4 and the “Safer at Home” Health Directive No. 16. These directives consider the rapid spread of COVID-19 through the community, the loss of over 800 lives to the virus, and the current strain on capacity at area hospitals. The “Safer at Home” Directive provides a balanced solution that limits social gatherings, continues to encourage personal responsibility, and clearly defines risky activities. The Health Department will continue to monitor compliance and may make additional recommendations as necessary. All Shelby County residents are encouraged to submit instances of non-compliance to the Shelby County Health Department COVID-19 hotline by calling 901-222-MASK (6275).

A summary of the “Safer at Home” Health Directive is below:

  • During the four weeks from December 26, 2020 to January 22, 2021, residents of Shelby County are asked to remain home as much as possible.
  • Retail capacity decreased to 50%
  • Indoor dining capacity at 25%
  • Gyms and fitness facilities capacity decreased to 50%, including staff
  • Social activities related to entertainment and recreation should be curtailed because they expose everyone to unnecessary risks of spreading COVID-19.  This would include, for example, indoor receptions, parties, or events that are not related to places of worship, weddings, and funerals.
  • Health Directive No. 16 includes certain restrictions on gatherings and sporting events in Governor Bill Lee’s Executive Order 70. All gatherings, including wedding receptions, will be limited to 10 or fewer people.
  • Health Directive No. 16 strongly encourages employers to allow non-essential employees to work remotely (where feasible).
  • All previously approved events that were to occur during the effective dates of this “Safer at Home” should reschedule their event or contact the Health Department to determine whether their event may still proceed.
  • Businesses that provide goods or services exclusively through curbside service and pickup, drive-thru, shipment, delivery, or virtually may continue.
  • Certain listed businesses, including some that provide services to customers onsite, may continue to operate (see number 9 beginning on page 4).
  • Due to the risk of viral transmission, Health Directive No. 16 strongly discourages any on-site dining.
  • All safety measures for individuals, services, and businesses that were in the previous Health Directive No. 15 will continue under the new Health Directive No. 16.

The Health Department also released today Face Mask Directive No. 4, which:

  • Clarifies that masks are required in gyms and fitness facilities unless a customer has a medical condition that prevents him/her from wearing a mask, and if that is the case, a face shield is required.
  • Clarifies that language for dining experiences to require a mask unless a customer is “seated and dining (eating/drinking).”

The Health Department also released today Face Mask Directive No. 4, which:

  • Clarifies that masks are required in gyms and fitness facilities unless a customer has a medical condition that prevents him/her from wearing a mask, and if that is the case, a face shield is required.
  • Clarifies that language for dining experiences to require a mask unless a customer is “seated and dining (eating/drinking).”

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