ADF Calls on University of Memphis to Ask Kyle Rittenhouse Back to Campus

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Alliance Defending Freedom has sent a demand letter to the University of Memphis asking them to invite Kyle Rittenhouse back to their campus following it being shut down by a student mob earlier this year.

“College campuses are meant to be a safe haven for the open exchange of ideas, but more and more, university officials are choosing to let violent mobs disrupt events for the purpose of shutting down speech they don’t like,” ADF Legal Counsel Mathew Hoffmann said in a press release. “The University of Memphis failed to uphold the Constitution and Tennessee law that protect free speech on college campuses. Instead of enforcing rules and empowering security to take action, campus officials allowed unruly students to issue a heckler’s veto at the expense of TPUSA. We are urging officials to right their wrongs and allow this event to take place again without any issue.”

Ben Deeter spoke with Hoffmann on “Wake Up Memphis” Thursday morning to talk about how important this case is and what the next steps are.

Listen to the full interview below:

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