The painful thing about the expulsion vote is how it is now being twisted to be about race, State Rep. Mark White (R-Memphis) told KWAM Friday.
State Reps. Justin Jones (D-Nashville), and Justin Pearson (D-Memphis) were expelled from the statehouse Thursday, who are both black. Gloria Johnson (D-Knoxville), a white woman, was not voted to be expelled.
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White made it clear that it had absolutely nothing to do with race and they had no choice but to act.Video of Tennessee Three’s Unruly Conduct That Led to Expulsion Vote
“When you take the House floor hostage with a megaphone and you shout over everybody else, then you’re taking away the representation of the rest of us,” White told “Wake Up Memphis” host Todd Starnes. “That’s not how representative government works. We had to do what we had to do, it was not pleasant but we cannot allow that anarchy in our general assembly.”