Hundreds of restaurant owners and angry citizens are expected to attend a massive “Save Our Restaurants” rally on Monday in downtown Memphis.
Restaurant owners says health department officials are unfairly targeting their businesses with the city council and Shelby County Commission turn a blind eye.
CLICK HERE TO FOLLOW THE MID-SOUTH’S ONLY LOCALLY-OWNED CONSERVATIVE NEWS TALK STATION! WE ARE YOUR HOME FOR TODD STARNES, TIM VAN HORN, SEBASTIAN GORKA, BEN SHAPIRO AND LARRY ELDER!“Our failed city council is actively recommending to the mayor’s office and the Health Department that all bars and restaurants close again with no PPP, no stimulus package, no nothing,” said restaurant manager Julien Salley. “We’re all about to be jobless again! Merry Christmas, we’re all out of a job! This should create nothing short of massive public outrage.”
Organizers of the rally say the county’s own data shows that the spread of the China Virus from restaurants is less than five percent of all cases.
“Restaurants who are following CDC guidelines set forth by the CDC should not suffer another closure,” organizers said.
The threat of another full shutdown could force many business owners to shut their doors permanently. And city council members don’t seem to care – at all.“I’m very sorry that restaurants and other small businesses are going to take it on the chin, but this is something that absolutely has to happen,” City Councilman Jeff Warren told the Daily Memphian.
The rally begins at 1 p.m. central time at 160 North Main Street in Memphis. Click here for more information.
KWAM News-Talk 107.9 FM 990 AM will provide live coverage on “Wake Up Memphis With Tim Van Horn” starting at 6 a.m. Monday morning.And you should also send an email to our overlords at the health department. Here are their email addresses:
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