“Tami, Where are You?” Leftist Shelby County Commissioner Dodges KWAM Interview

by | May 19, 2020 | Coronavirus, Local News

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KWAM listeners and others have helped put public pressure on Shelby County Commissioner Tami Sawyer’s proposal to require face masks to be worn in small businesses.

In an effort to dive deeper, Robin Walensky invited Sawyer on her show, “Wake Up Memphis, to get the facts.


Walensky spent most of the day negotiating to get the commissioner to agree to appear on the program, but so far Sawyer has not responded to the invitation.

Originally, the ordinance proposed by the commissioner required a $50 fine for any business caught not obeying the rule.

“It’s about government controlling your life,” Robin Walensky said on her morning show. “People are the mayor of their own home.”

In an 8-5 vote, the Shelby County Commission urges the Shelby County Health Department to require businesses to make customers wear masks. However, it’s more watered down now from Sawyer’s original proposal, including eliminating the $50 fine. Instead of an ordinance, it’s now a resolution.

Walensky said she talked to Sawyer’s staff Monday, and she felt like negotiating to get Sawyer on the show was like how “we do for Middle East peace.” Walensky even sent them an example of one of her interviews as an example of her work.

“Every voice matters and I want to hear from you,” Walensky added on her show.

While Sawyer is remaining silent toward KWAM, she has talked to other local stations.

“I did not think that this was something that would stir up so much anger and vitriol against me,” Sawyer said in a Zoom interview Monday evening that was featured on WMC Action News 5.

While The Mighty 990 waits to hear from Sawyer personally, Walensky suspects this avoidance isn’t accidental.

“I feel this morning that she’s dodging us,” Walensky said. “I invited you to come on here and tell us why you thought this was a good idea.”

“Wake Up Memphis” airs weekdays from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. Central Standard Time on KWAM The Mighty 990.

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