Grassroots Conservatives Furious at Shelby County GOP

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Conservatives in Shelby County expressed their frustration with Republican leadership after major election losses in Memphis Thursday night.

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Conservative political commentator and former state senate candidate Brandon Toney called for the Shelby County Republican Party’s leadership to resign Friday on “Wake Up Memphis.”

Dozens echoed Toney’s anger with the local GOP on The Mighty 990’s Facebook page.

“No more Vaughn,” Patsy Woodard said of Toney’s call for Shelby County GOP Chairman Carey Vaughn to immediately step down.

“I agree with Brandon the Shelby County GOP is a bunch of elitists and they are out of touch with the suburbs,” Justin Johnson said. “We saw more judges campaigning in Collierville than any of the Shelby County GOP candidates. How do you overlook a city the size of Collierville?!?”

CATASTROPHIC! Republicans Pummeled in Shelby County Election

“Shelby County conservatives need to wake up and get involved,” Shelly Chang, who also called into the morning show, said. “Speak out. Attend meetings. If your time spent bettering your area is thought to be not important then it’s on the citizen. You deserve what you got. Your voice was quieted with your inactivity.”


James McCarter wrote of the Republican leadership, “if they were a football team the coaches would be fired.”

Shelby County Republican Party Leadership Needs to Resign: Brandon Toney

Emily Evans said, “It’s not a lost cause. It’s a lazy Republican Party. We have to move beyond this nothing ever changes attitude.”

“A big problem with the Republican Party in Memphis is their arrogance,” Ricky Chambers said. “I was privileged to attend an election night Republic[an] party watch party years ago and the sheer arrogance in that room was crazy and looking down their noses at everyone they did not know or was not a part of the ‘club.’ I didn’t stay till the end and have not been back.”

Click here to see the full Shelby County election results.

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