STUDY: Parents Spanking Their Children on Sharp Decline

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A new study found parents spank their children less than in previous generations, and that rate has declined sharply in the last quarter of a century.

The study published in JAMA Pediatrics journal reported that compared to 1993 when roughly 50 percent of parents reported spanking their children as a form of punishment, only 35 percent report they do so in 2017. Alternative forms of punishment include things such as the time-out method and taking away electronics.

The Mighty990’s Todd Starnes, Ben Deeter, and Josh Rivera talked about the different generations of upbringing and what they think the best route is for parents to take on KWAM’s “Wake Up Memphis.”

“My parents put the literal fear of God in me as a child,” Starnes said.

On the other hand, Deeter said his parents gave him the choice between a spanking and his “privileges” being taken away when he misbehaved.

Listen to the full segment below:

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